I think its great that students get excited in their expectations for changing their bodies and their lives with Pilates.  I do however, bring reality and #truthspeak to the conversation when I tell newcomers that Pilates is not the “be all to end all.” It is not a magic pill. It’s part of my “body maintenance & management.”

I love it when eyes light up with the prospect of making long-term changes in a body that has not done anything for a few months.  I love it when students enthusiastically sign up for classwork and realize after the first class session, that Pilates is not a “wuss” workout.  With a wink of my eye and a supportive hand on the body part that needs the guidance, I help them understand this is a serious commitment to yourself.

Unfortunately, it’s not the magic pill that will make everything that hurts go away in ten sessions.  It’s more like a continuous thread that can help to weave together all the other actions of an active, healthy lifestyle.

For me, its more the important first leg of my 4-legged stool.  Pilates being the Strength, Stretch and Length component of my body movement programming; Cardiovascular work, e.g., cycling, running, swimming, etc., is given an equal balance in my repertoire;  Nutrition, rest and sleep, which are necessary to Refuel and Refresh the mind and body also get equal footing in the balance of life, and lastly the fourth leg of my stool may involve Cross-Training activities with other fitness regimens, tools and toys; such as yoga, TRX, weights, etc.



Pilates is a good pill to take regularly and daily.  There is no question I use it and recommend it as a key part of a regular regimen of physical movement, therapy and healing.  Make it a regular component of your arsenal to stay alive, limber and healthy.  The older I get the more I recognize the need of my 4-legged stool to stay upright, lifted and tall.  It’s just plain body maintenance and management.

Keep it moving.  If you rest, you rust 😉