I experienced two powerful Pilates workshops this summer. Two days were spent with other Pilates teachers, masters and instructors in the First Annual Power Pilates Teacher’s workshop; two days wonderfully jammed packed with eye opening, mouth watering, spine correcting details one could ask for – under $500.

The other workshop I had the pleasure of participating in this year (as part of my personal celebration of 50 years on earth and life changing or validating experiences) was with two people of significant importance to me – as a woman of color – in this industry. These women, Kathy Grant and Lolita San Miguel, were actually certified by Joseph Pilates in the 1960s. “The Elders Workshop” was presented by Alycea Ungaro of www.realpilatesnyc.com.
Lolita San Miguel and Kathy Grant along with Kathy Corey commanded the attention of more than 50 teachers for an afternoon of instruction and dialogue about Joe and “the Method.”

Of course there are beautiful images of the work from the Power Pilates weekend with Susan Moran-Perich, Bob Liekens, Howard Sichel, Dana Eisenstein and Kathy Van Patten, which are also posted to the gallery. But at this writing, I am sitting with a well earned glass of single malt scotch (or two in all honesty) crab cakes, salad and creme brule for dessert, blogging about the weekend.
Both workshops validated my personal, organic experience and embrace of Pilates as a teacher and fitness professional and more importantly as a way of living.
Some things come to you because you need them; some things, you are drawn to you for the lesson of the moment they provide. While others re-affirm past, current and future and the fit is instantly apparent, owned and embraced.
The science, beauty and power of Pilates was the later for me and the true “maverick,” and creative life-loving spirit of Joe Pilates, has made a full and all-encompassing change in my life. And I know, therefore, as a result, on the lives of those I touch, coach and teach.

Gina Jackson, is a classically trained Pilates Teacher and has been teaching along the Gold Coast of Hudson and Bergen County, NJ for the past fifteen+ years.
Certified by Power Pilates of New York, Gina has trained with Master Teachers Bob Liekens, Susan Moran and Brett Howard; loved workshop training with Cary Regan and Blossom Leilani-Crawford and has particularly enjoyed listening to the personal stories as told by Pilates Elders, Kathy Grant and Lolita San Miguel.
An active teacher and blogger, Gina manages a private personal training business supporting a myriad of clients, teaching all to honor their health, strength and life with the principles of Pilates at its core.